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Best summer hacks for glowing healthy skin

We love summer, don’t we? However, the sun, UV rays, sweat, build-up, all take a toll on our skin.

Don’t worry, we’ve got some best summer hacks to give you that glowing healthy skin.

Happy and smiling woman under the sky

  • Switch to a gel cleanser/facewash

You sweat more in summer than any other time of the year which causes build up and lead to breakouts. That’s why cleansing should be the first step in your skin care routine. This summer, consider using a gel facewash, like Manuka honey hydrating facewash, which lifts dirt, makeup and impurities without over-drying skin.

The hero ingredient, Manuka honey reduces inflammation and sunburns while aloe vera and glycerin provide hydration and calmness to your skin.


Yellow colour facewash tube on artificial leaves
Manuka Honey Hydrating Gel Facewash 50ml
Facewash foam on a palm

Apply a pea size amount of the facewash to your hands, gently creating a beautiful lather by mixing water. Massage in circular motions on your face for at least 30 seconds, and rinse thoroughly with water. 

  • Soothe sunburns with aloe vera as it has got extreme soothing and calming properties when it comes to sun burns or inflammation. (That’s why our hydrating gel facewash has got aloe vera in it too)

  • Exfoliate twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells and sweat build-ups. Our skin has pores (which is not bad at all as our skin breathes through them), however, they are a problem if they get clogged. This can be because of makeup residue, excessive sweat or not cleansing face properly.

    There are two types of exfoliations, physical and chemical. Physical involves using granular scrubs to remove dead sin and chemical exfoliation involves using actives that are not harsh to your skin. You can use retinol based creams as retinol is the best exfoliator. Try Skin renewal Proretinol night cream

Woman applying makeup on eyes
  • Face mists are great when you have come back from a sweaty workout or spent time outdoors in the sun. You can use a face mist or simply use chilled rosewater to keep your skin cool.  Keep it in fridge to get icy cooling feeling on your face in this heat.

  • Fake tan as much as possible

    Please don’t opt for real sun tanning as it can cause havoc for your skin. Fake tan will do the job equally well.

    Tip: Add your favourite bronzer in your moisturiser to get the perfect sun kissed glow without any sun damage.

Two women wearing hats and smiling
  • Use fashion accessories like wide brim hats and sunglasses

    to shield your skin from harmful and intense sun exposure. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Sun-proof your skin while looking effortlessly classy and chic.

  • Cool down your showers

    You’ve had enough hot steaming showers all throughout winters but it’s time to switch to cool ones during summer to give your skin MUCH NEEDED break.

  • Minimal makeup

    Substitute foundation with tinted sunscreen or moisturiser and apply a multipurpose tinted lip & cheek balm or tint to give colour to your face. Avoid using heavy makeup like foundation, concealer, bronzers and eyeshadows in summers.

  • Eat Skin-Healthy Foods

    Make a smoothie with your favourite fruits like strawberry, bananas, mangoes and some spinach for health benefits(you won’t feel the bitterness of spinach at all)

  • Avoid going outdoors during peak day times

    Peak sunny hours are from 12PM to 3PM. Ensure you stay indoors during this time or seek shade if you’re outside.

  • Sip detox water

    Here's a simple recipe - add 3 cucumber slices, lemon slices and mint leaves to a bottle of water and keep sipping throughout the day. Hydration is vital during summers and if you don’t like drinking plain water like me then detox water is going to be a game changer for you.

Woman doing downward dog yoga pose
  • Yoga is known for its wellness , mindfulness and meditative benefits but it’s actually good for your overall body and skin health.

    Downward dog position is amazing to increase circulation to your face and leave you looking radiant. Do this simple exercise for 3 minutes every day at home and enjoy healthy and glowing skin this summer and all year round.


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